House Flies
House flies are not the neatest of insects; they feed at dumpsters, sewers, and garbage, fecal matter, and all sorts of decaying meat. Besides being repulsive for their feeding habits, they are strongly suspected of transmitting disease to humans.
Drain Flies
These tiny dark coloured flies are sometimes common in homes and businesses, usually found in the kitchen and bathroom areas. They are harmless but can be a nuisance, especially if present in large numbers. Dran flies larvae develops in the ‘gunk’ that forms inside drains and other stagnant water sources.
Fruit Flies
Fruit flies are a very small pest, usually about 3 mm in length. They are generally brown in colour. They can be found in moist areas near organics, sweets, fruit, vegetables – especially if they are over-ripe, so are usually most prominent in kitchen areas of a home or office.